Traveling is something that withstands the passage of time. It seems every being on this planet travels in some way. As human beings, we travel to see something new with our eyes. To taste new foods. To learn new cultures. To have experiences we would not have where we live. We travel for so many reasons which has created so many different types of travel.
- Luxury travel
- Backpacking
- Cruising
- Group tours
- Private tours
- Adventure travel
- Volunteer Travel
While we travel to explore, learn, taste, and see, most people primarily travel to getaway. We use travel as a way to temporarily change our environment so our minds can shift to something else. To take a break from our lives as we know them. And in most cases, its almost a way to escape from the stresses we have encountered and travel becomes a reason to go someplace to reset our lives.
And during our busy lives, we are faced with numerous stressors. Some of those stressors become large enough to require big chunks of time to solve. But due to the large, complex nature of the situation, it almost becomes too overwhelming do deal with. Situations like being unhappy in a career or a job. Being unhappy in a relationship. Feeling stuck or trapped in your life. And then when we go on vacation, we use that time away to shut off our minds, to block out our lives and try to forget about these big stresses that remain.
Travel certainly has healing principles which is why many people use travel to getaway. So what if there was a travel opportunity that was focused around self-discovery and holistic healing? A way to work with a life strategist to build a life roadmap for the rest of your life. A way to focus on your life. To build confidence to make big life changes. To uncover what has been holding you back. An investment in your life.
New kind of niche travel
Transformational travel is a new kind of niche travel that has recently gained in popularity due to its transformative principles. Transformational travel combines the elements of traveling along with the opportunity to purposefully transform lives for the better. This type of travel builds an immersive, perspective-shifting itinerary that challenges and inspires travelers on a deeply personal level.
Sure, one could argue to say that traveling in general can transform your life, which is true. So the term transformational travel can be misleading. But transformational travel is intentional. It is traveling with openness to dig deeper into oneself.
There are may components to transformational travel including extensive time in nature, self-reflection / intention setting and meaningful cultural immersion, but other components include traveling outside of one’s comfort zone, pushing physical limits and reconnecting to self.
Many retreats are offered around the world focusing on specific types of transformation like yoga and meditation. And many self-help events are located in beautiful places around the world. Each of these experiences are designed to help individuals discover themselves in a purposeful way.
So the next time you travel to getaway, yet you are looking for a way to overcome a tough life situation or reconnect with yourself, consider transformational travel as your method. Instead of blocking out your life on the time you do have away from the stresses in your life, spend time focusing on your life. Make an investment in the rest of your life so you can truly refresh your soul.
If you are interested in learning more about transformational travel opportunities in the future, CLICK HERE to sign up for updates and special offers.
Consider Pivot Trip as your first transformational travel experience.
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